Thursday, June 12, 2008


To: Mr. Scott Dagilis
From: Zizi
Date: Jun 12, 2008
Subject: Report on blogging workshop


The following report summarizes the results of the blogging workshop given Jun 11, 2008. The report also offers suggestions for future projects for this course.


The workshop was held in the computer lab Room (10.206) from 12:30 to 2:10. Sixteen students of the college came to our class .

The Workshop Results

The objective of the workshop was to show to other students how to make a blog and how to add other students to their blog.

While we were showing them how to work with blogs, some students worked at computers, but some didn’t work at computers at all, they just watched us and I think it was good. 14 out of 16 said that this is one of the best presentations they had seen. Even with these differences all of them said they liked the workshop.


In conclusion, our project was very good and most of the students liked it, because they were able to follow along and the project was interesting for them. My favorite part of project was adding video. I also liked teaching and showing other students how to make a blog.

Zizi Hussain
1090 IT student

1 comment:

Scott Dagilis, M.A.T. said...

Great job Zizi, and super presentation!