Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Titanic is one of the most famous and intresting movies in the whole world. This romantic movie that shows the life of two lovers that thier love is impossible. Actualy the name of the the ship that movie happen inside was titanic. This ship had three different floor. The first floor was very high class and it was just for rich people. Second floor was also high class but not same as first floor. The third floor was so law class and it was for poor people. However with all these big differences Rose the girl that was in the first floor felt into the love with Jack the boy that was poor and in the third floor. Rose had a feyance but she didnt like him and she loved Jack diedly. After this Rose's mother was disagree with her boy friend Jack, But these two lover were continueing thier love, untill the accsident happend had Jack died.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good job zizi, i love you