Thursday, June 12, 2008


To: Mr. Scott Dagilis
From: Zizi
Date: Jun 12, 2008
Subject: Report on blogging workshop


The following report summarizes the results of the blogging workshop given Jun 11, 2008. The report also offers suggestions for future projects for this course.


The workshop was held in the computer lab Room (10.206) from 12:30 to 2:10. Sixteen students of the college came to our class .

The Workshop Results

The objective of the workshop was to show to other students how to make a blog and how to add other students to their blog.

While we were showing them how to work with blogs, some students worked at computers, but some didn’t work at computers at all, they just watched us and I think it was good. 14 out of 16 said that this is one of the best presentations they had seen. Even with these differences all of them said they liked the workshop.


In conclusion, our project was very good and most of the students liked it, because they were able to follow along and the project was interesting for them. My favorite part of project was adding video. I also liked teaching and showing other students how to make a blog.

Zizi Hussain
1090 IT student

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Titanic is one of the most famous and intresting movies in the whole world. This romantic movie that shows the life of two lovers that thier love is impossible. Actualy the name of the the ship that movie happen inside was titanic. This ship had three different floor. The first floor was very high class and it was just for rich people. Second floor was also high class but not same as first floor. The third floor was so law class and it was for poor people. However with all these big differences Rose the girl that was in the first floor felt into the love with Jack the boy that was poor and in the third floor. Rose had a feyance but she didnt like him and she loved Jack diedly. After this Rose's mother was disagree with her boy friend Jack, But these two lover were continueing thier love, untill the accsident happend had Jack died.

Monday, May 26, 2008

How we can use a computer in a healthy way?

1) You should stay one meter away from other computers.

You should look around and rest your eyes every time.

3) You should sit on a comfortable chair that supports your lower back.

4) You shouldn’t sit too close to the monitor.

5) Your computer should not be too loud .

Sunday, May 25, 2008


To: Mr. Scott
From: Zizi
Date: May 25th, 2008
Subject: The Best PC to buy

Hi Scott,
How are you Sir? Through marketing research, I looked at three types of computers, which are: the iMac, Dell and HP. The iMac is the most expensive of all at 1200$. HP has the biggest hard drive space of all at 360GB. Also, HP has the largest memory of all at 3GB.

So, I think you should buy an HP, because of the good capacity, large memory and good price.


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Zizi's sentences

1) Active: Somebody stole my mobile yesterday.
Passive: My mobile was stolen yesterday.

2) Active: Nadra bought a laptop last night.
Passive: A laptop was bought by Nadra last night.

3) Active: People always invite me to parties.
Passive: I am always invited to parties.

4) Active: Alanoud bought a flash drive this morning.
Passive: A flash drive was bought by Alanoud this morning.

5) Active: When did they build this house?
Passive: When was this house built?

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Comparatives & Superlatives


Laptops are smaller than desktops.
A hard drive is cheaper than flash memory.
3) Flash memory is more portable than a hard drive.


1) Handheld computers are the smallest computers.
2) A flash drive is the most expensive memory.
Flash memory is the most portable memory.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

What Computers Can Do?

There are many advantages of using computers. Firstly, we can use them to calculating numbers. Secondly, computers can help us to search for important information. Next, they are making our life easier by sending an E-mail. Then, we can keep our privet pictures and favirout music in our computer. Finally, also computers are using for many reason in hospitals, like: measure patients fewer, search for thier information, cheking thier body and etc... . So its clear that there are many good things in using computers.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

welcome to my blog

My name is zizi. I am from Iran and I'm 19 years old. I'm studying at the college of the North Atlantic. My program is IT. I'm pretty good in typing. I like working with computers.I have many hobbies, such as: taking photos, drawing and etc... . My favourite colors are red, yellow, pink and white. I am very friendly and kind and always optimistic. Also I am very lucky person.